Hometown: Saint Clair MI
Birthdate: 5/10/78
Years in Monster Trucks: 3
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Type of Music: mixed
Favorite Song: Dead or Alive
Favorite Movie: Die Hard (all of them)
Favorite T.V. Show: Deadliest Catch
What is your favorite restaurant? Outback
Is Monster Truck is your main job? No
How did you get started in the monster truck business? Jim Koehler
What do you like the most about crewing for Monster trucks? Getting to meet all the fans and how when we run it into the ground makes their day. Makes all the hard work worth it.
What kind of car are you driving? Ford F-250 Super Duty Diesel
Hobbies: Monster Trucks , Figure 8 cars
Give 3 separate words that describe you. Daring, decisive, dedicated
What's your favorite stop on the tour? Ford Field
What is your favorite vacation spot? Florida

About Dan: I own and operate Alpha & Omega Builders inc . I'm very self motivated and always trying to challenge myself. I love the challenge that the monster truck industry brings to the table. This a sport where custom innovation is king. This sport you have to constantly be thinking outside of the box.