Hometown: Hubbard Lake, Michigan
Birthdate: 3/15/88
Years in Monster Trucks: 1 year
Favorite Food: Chips & Salsa
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Type of Music: Anything but rap
Favorite Song: I don't have one
Favorite Movie: Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore
Favorite T.V. Show: I don't have one
What is your favorite restaurant? Applebee's
Is Monster Truck is your main job? yeah
How did you get started in the monster truck business? Rich
What do you like the most about crewing for Monster trucks? Travelling, seeing new sites, places I haven't been
What kind of car are you driving? 92 ranger
Hobbies: Quadding, hanging out
Give 3 separate words that describe you. Energetic, hard worker & funny,
What's your favorite stop on the tour? Ford Field (Detroit) and Las Vegas
What is your favorite vacation spot? Sarasota Beach, FL