2018 will be a great year for Team Scream Racing and Jim Koehler
2017 was a great year for Team Scream Racing! Avenger‘s 20th anniversary, amazing results at the Word Finals for Jim Koehler who on top of debuting a brand new chassis got third place both in racing and freestyle (WOW!!!) RAGE who also made it to Las Vegas for the Double Down Showdown. Lots of different wins for everyone in the team during the whole season… The unveiling of AXE’s monster truck… let’s say we were very excited with everything that have been going on!ย
In 2017, we also secretly started working on our brand new website, which we are very excited to present today. New graphics, new photos, new content, new items on our online store (Fiberglass parts of all of our trucks, fiberglass keychains, tank tops, new pennants coming soon, etc!)ย and a very user friendly experience.
We really hope you will have as much fun going thru it as we had designing it and filling it with exciting exclusive Team Scream Racing content! And make sure to come back often, cause we are still working on adding more stuff! There will be new wallpapers, new photos, and more surprises really soon!
Special thanks to Jason Becker for the home page header’s graphics, Dustin Hart for programming everything, being a great adviser and for designing some of the content & to our own Stephanie Cotnoir for leading the project, integrating content and designing some graphics. We are very proud of the final result, which makes all the work well worth it.
Enjoy your visit on our brand new website! Don’t hesitate to give us your feedback!