Here is Jim’s recap from Glendale, AZ and Houston, TX. Check it out !
I sent this review a little late, but it’s ok ! It startedย on Thursday,ย when we got to our display at Metro PCS. The fans there were great and I had a good time. I left there pumped for the show!ย Friday,ย we had practice. Everything went well! I had Megalodon for first pair in practice and we were close at the finish line. So that night, I made a gear and fuel change, trying to be faster. I am sure it would have worked on Saturday, but I screwed up and Alex won. So we had two wheel competion next and I was first. I tried to do a popper, but blew reverse in the transmission, since I still had forward, I did a sky wheelie on 8 pack and flipped over backwards… not my night.
Pulled off the track and Grave Digger’s crew already had my spare transmission in pits and ready. However, I decided not to change it for fear we wouldn’t finish in time and then I’dย miss freestyle. I still had forward gears, so the only thing I had to do was to just keep rocking forward and I would be good. I was last to freestyle, because I won last week in Anaheim. My run started slow, but I soon picked it up. It felt pretty good, so at the end I went to backflip and went too fast at the jump and went straight up then straight down on nose. Horrible nose pick, then over rotated ending on my lid. It wasn’t enough to win, bummer. The truck was hurt bad enough to make us drive back to Michigan to fix it. (Over 2 000 miles away) Heck of a week.

Houston, TX


Now off to Miami. Hope I can write a great review about those shows. We will see. Wish me luck! Thanks for being fans.
Jim Koehler